What does Lady Gaga, Albert Einstein and Leonardo Davinci have in Common?

They Kept a Journal!

Offer expires in…


Would you like to relax your mind in just minutes?
Do you want to be more intentional and deliberate?

Journaling Will Transform Your Energy

Change your Thoughts and You Change Your Life!

Do you want to get moving on your GOALS?

Transformation begins on the inside with your thoughts…

And journaling is a power tool that will take you there.

Don’t miss this opportunity to make this year your breakthrough year. Begin this amazing habit and unlock  potential, and define a new vision of what is possible for you!



Lean in… in this 30 Day Journaling Toolkit you have access to a workbook, card deck and an online platform with audio and video resources to calm your mind and open you up to potential that is locked up inside of you!


In a matter of days you will balance your emotions, energize your thoughts and boost your energy through a simple process that takes 15 minutes a day!


Journaling is used by extraordinarily successful business owners, artists, leaders, and everyday people, who want to live an authentic, deliberate and intentional life. You will learn to uncover and resolve blocks and barriers that have kept you stuck. 

And this transformation can happen in 15 minutes a day.


Transformation requires honesty. Get real with yourself and move forward in ways that will amaze you!

Dr. Cynthia Howard

Caroline S.
Caroline S.Account Mgr
This is a fantastic program! I have struggled with my weight and journaling helped me figure out how I get stuck.
Carole M.
Carole M.Manager, Outpt Surgery
I had never journaled before so I didn't know what to expect. The program was easy to follow and it helped me relax my mind. I love having this option to de-clutter my mind!
Rachel K.
Rachel K.Manager, Medical Lab
This program changed my life. Using a journal is easy and refreshing. Take this course, you will not be disappointed.
Kiera F.
Kiera F.Critical Care RN
I have wanted to keep a journal, but, wasn't sure how to get started. This 30 day program was easy to follow and helped me look at how to be a better me!

Get Unstuck. Find clarity. Deal with emotions quickly without the drama!

Register now and open up to incredible potential in 2021!


Meet Your Coach

Dr. Cynthia Howard has worked with thousands of leaders, professionals and business owners helping them breakthrough their blocks and limitations. Leaders have unique challenges being authentic in managing, inspiring, and engaging their teams while maintaining their boundaries, passion and reason they chose to lead.

Dr. Cynthia Howard understands the process of transformation and has developed a roadmap to follow.

Licensed Trainer & Coach Institute of Heartmath, Black Belt Lean Six Sigma, Fellow in AIS (American Institute of Stress). 


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