It is that time of the month when we look back and review what happened during the month. We recommend using daily reviews and then reviewing every week, every month and at the end of the year. This gives you a written record of what works and what doesn’t. This will help you build on best practice and stop doing those things that derail your success. The review process also keeps you focused on what is most important so you can set up your next steps. This is critical in today’s distracted world.
As you review, think about your goals and consider what decisions were on target, what processes worked and if you accomplished what you wanted to get done. At Work Smart Consulting, we wanted to roll out our digital library, the Work Smart Club and set up our schedule to produce new content every week.
We have the library doors open with over 40 courses with checklists, guide books, hundreds of tips and strategies to organize, plan and execute. We put out 3 new resources:
- 52 Checklists. This course has 52 helpful checklists you can download and use immediately; it is organized into 4 categories, Managing Self, Managing Others, Managing Work and Managing Change. By going through this and using a new resource every week you will enhance your skills in planning, organizing and managing.
- Decision Making Toolkit. This is a must have course for leaders. Making decisions is critical to being an impactful leader. The course outlines four models for making decisions. These models provide the steps and the background so you can better understand what you need to do, based on the situation, to make an effective decision.
- Team & Project Charter. This resource is part of the on-the-go training, a short reference along with templates and the ‘how-to’ set up your team and project charter to help your team stay focused and accountable as you move forward.
Developing quality content is one of our strengths and we know how valuable your time is, so we create practical strategies you can use right now to get more done and look really good as you do it!
One of our “wins” was getting approved to post livestream videos on LinkedIn. This will help us provide more value to you, our clients!
The second part of the review is to ask, “What did not work?” This part of the review can stymie people because they do not want to look at their failures. I do not consider these failures, but rather learning opportunities. We started weekly webinars and posted these in our Network. Unfortunately we did not have a good outreach campaign set up to announce each weekly webinar. We had some unexpected remodeling to do in the studio and this thwarted our recording effort.
Handling the unexpected is part of managing and leading. The review process helped us recognize this plan of weekly webinars was not sustainable. Fortunately, we were approved to do LinkedIn Live and are going to post value packed content, live, on LinkedIn every week, Thursday, 12N EST. This content will also be available in our network for further discussion and on a podcast so you can access the content conveniently from your channel of choice.
What did we learn from our “mistakes?” It is important to be agile and responsive to the changing needs of managers and leaders as you work, live and lead. Reviewing what did not work is not the time to beat oneself up for missing something. This step of the review, identify what did not work, learn from it, and commit to doing it differently next time.
The third part of the review is to identify what is next. For us, we are committed to building a community of leaders who want to be their very best and help their teams grow into high impact teams. Our weekly content, accessible training and network are our vehicle to accomplish this objective. What’s next includes introducing the network and continuing to talk about how it can make a difference in your life.
We invite you to join the Work Smart Club Network – it is FREE to join through the end of the year. Click below for the free link to join. Let me know how your review process is going.