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Personal Dashboard [Video & Worksheet]

Your capacity drives your performance and your ability to enjoy your life.

Everyone is used to looking at dashboards to get a status update. We created a chart, your personal dashboard, to help you visualize your capacity as you move throughout your day.

Seeing the changes in your mood, mindset, and energy can help you understand the impact on your work and the people around you. These indicators will alert you when you are not feeling your best and help you understand the effect of each on your full potential. When one of these warning lights comes up, you’ll be better prepared to react appropriately and correct your course.

Turn On Potential: Increase Awareness

Keeping this personal dashboard will help you quickly tune in to what is going on internally and help you recognize how your emotions impact your energy. The more you can identify your feelings, the more you can adjust your thoughts and actions to align with your desired outcomes.

Your personal dashboard is a visual tool to help you quickly see the impact of stress and pressure. Use this chart to help you increase your self-awareness so you can make adjustments.


  1.  Download the form below. It is a fillable PDF.
  2. Start with creating the 3-column chart. In the first column, list descriptors when you are at your peak (total capacity). In the second column, list those things that drain your energy (warning lights).  In the third column, list strategies that help you stay energized, like drinking more water, exercise, heart-focused breathing, mindfulness, etc.
  3. Do you notice any patterns? What adjustments can you make with your strategies to support optimal performance?

This is a great exercise to build your awareness. Practice using this for about 2 weeks, and it will become second nature. This is when you become more agile and able to correct your course.

Personal Indicators for Dashboard Worksheet

Personal Dashboard Worksheet

Download the form. It is a fillable pdf. Go through each row and identify what you feel during different times of the day. Use the dashboard daily for one week and tune in to your internal hot buttons and emotions. This process builds your emotional agility, which will increase the impact you have on your team. Stress impacts our mood, energy, and mindset. This exercise will help you tune into how you are affected during your day.