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Frequently Asked Questions

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We provide innovative leadership development and performance improvement services. We blend masterful coaching with lean six sigma to teach your leaders how to solve problems and engage their staff.

We use an Organizational Assessment based on 4 key elements of performance, People, Process, Progress and Purpose. With this assessment you have strategies to narrow the gaps in your department or organization’s performance. The assessment is itself a teaching tool for your leaders as well as an assessment of what is working and what is not.

This is a problem solving retreat, lasting 4-6 hours. It is a great team building experience and teaches staff the tools they need to improve their work and solve problems like poor quality, conflict, waste, etc. The team is prepped ahead of time and has access to an online platform with courses, tools and space for live Q&A, recordings to reinforce the training.

We teach tools used in lean six sigma equipping your team with what they need for the future. An empowering experience.

The Work Smart Club is our exclusive platform for work and well-being. We have individual memberships and customized plans for corporate accounts.

The online platform allows teams across multiple time zones and hybrid work situations to learn through cohort or on demand courses, live training (Zoom), Coaching Clinics and small groups. The content and activity are organized for easy access to all the resources.

Do your teams have specific learning needs? We will build your space with your personalized library for your group. We make this group private, providing a comfortable space for growth. 


We provide a monthly newsletter collating all of our content put out that month. This is an easy to access overview of all of our free training. You can sign up for our newsletter here.  Weekly Livestream We provide weekly livestreams on Linkedin and Facebook, 30 minutes on leadership topics. We base this on the monthly themes with practical strategies to equip you in your daily work. Weekly Podcast – Leadership Leverage Access our podcasts here. You can download where you find podcasts. Weekly Blog We provide Case Studies, Coaching Clinic with challenges along with short articles on topics managers and leaders need to be effective. Access our blog here.

How do you incorporate Lean Six Sigma?

Ultimately businesses are ‘alive’ to make a profit; this is achieved by bringing a value added service or product to the market. We help businesses perform optimally and offer strategies to increase value and decrease waste.

We equip you to standardize your business processes and optimize your workflow. In the process, we assess, coach and train (ACT) your staff so they are empowered to continue using these tools. It is not necessary for anyone to become certified in six sigma.

We do have training for leaders in the key processes used in lean six sigma. Our goal is to equip your leaders with flexible tools that are integrated into your current system.

Our Approach to Coaching
The foundation of our approach at any level is to coach for change. We want to equip your leaders with tools, mindset, and the ability to build momentum with their team to further your company’s agenda.

Coaching is a partnership between the individual and their coach that helps that individual step out, beyond their comfort zone. We customize our approach to meet people where they are.

We have worked with thousands of leaders and many organizations and recognize that leaders need different support based on their role, how long they have been in that role, and the level of responsibility.

We provide Executive Coaching, 1:1, for Director level and above, assisting leaders with strategy, execution, communication, emotional intelligence, among other needs.

We provide Managers with coaching via our New Manager Training which includes small group coaching, training via on-demand resources and an exclusive network that provides the right mix of support, training and coaching.

We can assist in developing a leadership pipeline providing a ladder for aspiring managers, setting up assessments, competencies and a roadmap for future leadership roles.

We have a 6-12 month plan for experienced leaders, providing them with tremendous support while equipping them to be more effective. The Lead Smart plan consists of courses, assessments and coaching to develop leaders’ authentic confidence and improve their ability to execute.  

Bringing leaders together in this coaching plan will unify your leaders around a common goal and your strategic mission and vision.

Our coaching approach includes the online network and library with on demand courses. We also provide 1:1 coaching with leaders trained by Dr. Cynthia Howard in our unique, Coaching for Change approach.

The Work Smart Coaches are seasoned professionals and leaders who understand the daily challenges leaders face. Their unique personality and perspective, along with their expertise, is a great match for your diverse group of leaders.

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