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Leadership Coaching At All Levels


Executive level leaders make the greatest gains with slight shifts in mindset and strategy. Whether you want to support current executives or groom selected leaders for executives roles, we provide assessments and coaching.

Team Engagement

Teams benefit from coaching to manage conflict, learn collaboration and develop their problem solving skills. We transform teams with assessments, coaching and training.


The trend is burnout in 18 months for leaders. We unleash potential with focused coaching. Using a strengths based approach, leaders are equipped and supported. Assessments, coaching & training.

New Manager Group Coaching

New Manager Training

Access to a library of resources specifically curated for new managers. Private group for coaching. We set up a power pack to advance skills and capability for new managers. 

Innovation Lab

This group training format immerses the team in a problem solving mode.Your team learns tools in lean six sigma. Access to online training.  

The Work Smart Club

Premium on demand library of resources available to leaders for skill development and training. We can set up private groups for discussion and training.

Leaders need to be ready for just about anything today.  We build capacity in leaders and teams. 

~ Dr. Cynthia Howard

WhyWork SmartMay Be the Best Coaches for You

Leadership coaching is an investment in the future of your leadership – corporately and individually. Coaching improves mindset, enhances skills, and equips leaders with a broader perspective.   

Schedule a Strategy Call with Dr. Cynthia Howard to discuss the strategy for the coaching.  Don’t wait – contact us today!