EP 36: What Really Matters is Your Relationships

EP 36: What Really Matters is Your Relationships

You may, somewhere deep down, know that relationships are the most important thing in your life. In this episode, Dr. Cynthia Howard shares information about the lasting impact of relationships on the success of our lives and how staying focused on them will be what you need to stay grounded when life feels like it may be falling apart.

Dr. Howard talks about the different kinds of relationships you can have, how you can look after them, and why they are so important to make time for. Reflecting on the pandemic and how it shifted our sense of normal, Dr. Howard comments on keeping your sense of balance, spending time doing what matters most, and why your relationship with God and Jesus is of the most importance.

Plus, you will hear about how to manage a change in your normal, keeping your heart open to the supernatural, the power of faith, and where to place your focus. Tune in to hear Dr. Howard’s Psalm of the year and how, at the end of the day, everything in life comes down to love!

Key Points From This Episode:

  • Dr. Howard shares some research on the impact of relationships on life.
  • Dr. Howard’s experience working in hospice.
  • Different kinds of relationships you can have.
  • Why relationships are the most important part of your life.
  • The different stages and phases in a person’s life: building and sustaining.
  • Why the pandemic disrupted the population’s sense of balance and shift in sense of normal.
  • How to stay grounded/balanced when the world is shaking.
  • The importance of God and your relationship with Him and Jesus.
  • The meaning of love and heaven on earth.
  • The Psalm for the year!
  • How to deal with fear and why we should ‘fear not’.
  • Dr. Howard shares her beliefs on faith and how to enter/grow a relationship with Jesus.
  • Love as a future-focused, progressive state of mind.

Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode:


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