Are you maximizing your potential?

Leadership Assessments Unlock Potential

Assessments equip you …

Leadership Assessments provide insight into your strengths and your preferences. This will reveal hidden gems about you sop you can grow into the best leader possible.

We use the most widely used and best available; assessments come with an informative report. We have also provided an online course that goes into more detail about the results, so you get the most from it.  

Assessments can be built into a training package, assisting you in developing strong and effective leaders. 

Schedule your complimentary call with Dr. Cynthia Howard. 

Assessments & Surveys

Here are a list of our leadership assessments. We also provide surveys to measure culture, engagement, and satisfaction to provide data points for evaluation of culture. 

  • Emotional Intelligence
  • Resilience
  • Leadership Potential
  • 360, Peer Review
  • Myers Briggs with the app to improve interpersonal dynamics. 
  • Conflict Assessment
  • Strengths Profile
  • Are We Thinking Outside the Box? (Creativity Profile)
  • Team Report Card/ Unity
  • Team Reliability
  • Culture Assessment
  • Engagement

Schedule your complimentary consultation: