Resilience Increases Capacity.

Don't wait until you are pressed before you develop the skills you need during times of challenge.

Ever Wonder How to Strengthen Your Resilience?

How do People Get to Be Resilient?

Resilience is a set of skills you can learn. In fact, the more aware you are of your internal drivers of resilience – the stronger you will be.

Resilience is comprised of many factors likeEnergy, Optimism, Awareness, Grit, Heart and Agility

Resilience Can Be Learned

Resilience is a set of skills along with experience and learned behaviors.

We believe leaders who activate their resilience are the most agile, prepared and responsive leaders. We have spent decades unlocking potential and preparing resilient leaders. We understand what it takes.

Taking assessments to learn about your strengths is a critical step to develop the self-awareness one needs to unlock potential.

Unlock Your Resilience: HRG Resilience Gauge.

The HRG assessment measures how well you respond when faced with stressful circumstances, using 3 distinct scales.

Learn how you process and respond to change, your internal beliefs about controlling the outcomes how you see the world. 

Each of these components work together to facilitate a flexible, confident, and passionate approach to work and life, ensuring a resilient response to a range of stressful conditions.

Access this Assessment Right Now!

What you Will Gain

what Others Are Saying About the Assessment...

Caroline V.
Caroline V.Nurse Manager
It was helpful to learn more about my resilience. The assessment was very informative and the course took me through various scenarios so I could learn how to develop my skills.
Kristine Braughler
Kristine Braughler MBA, Regional Sales
At some point in my job, I hit a wall. I did not like feeling so sluggish. I took this assessment and course and learned how to build on skills to get out from under that pressure. I enjoyed this process and learning about myself.

What is Included

Assessments are the first step to making changes!

  • Assessment used worldwide, measuring 3 dimensions of resilience (Value $199)
  • 9 page report outlining your scores and the strategies to strengthen your resilience.
  • 7 page workbook with worksheets. (Value $19)
  • 5 module course going into detail on the 3 subscales. (Value $95)
  • Bonus:
  • Private Network: Virtual coaching, Q & A and support. (priceless)
$425 $ 195
This is easily valued at over $400. Take advantage of this offer!
Once you purchase, you will be directed to the course. You will receive an email with your link to take the online assessment. Your results will arrive via email shortly after you take the assessment. It can take up to 24 hours. Most people receive it much sooner.
Great VAlue
Stephanie PettaDirector of Marketing
Dr. Howard is the real deal. She knows what she is talking about.This changed how I thought about stress.
Kathi SerrieRN, MSN
Take the course! I learned how to stop myself from over-reacting.
Leslie T.Director of Operations
I was losing my hair, felt tired and was ready to quit my job. And then I took this course and worked with Dr. Howard. It saved my career.

Resilience is your capacity ...

Living through unprecedented times taught us all to be prepared and ready for the unknown. Resilience is the set of skills that helps you do that. INVEST IN YOU!

Your Executive Coach & Performance Expert

Dr. Cynthia Howard  

Dr. Cynthia Howard has worked with top-performing leaders, professionals, and business owners from all over the country. She approaches each case with an open mind and zero preconceived notions to better recognize her individual clients’ unique challenges in managing, inspiring, and engaging their teams.  


  • Pioneer of the resilient mindset
  • FAIS: Fellow, American Institute of Stress (AIS)
  • Black Belt in Lean Six Sigma
  • Certified Trainer Institute of Heartmath
  • Developed the Resilience Pyramid
  • Founder Work Smart Club
  • Author, The Work Smart Principle, Everyday Emotional Intelligence

Our Mission

We are a performance coaching company that unlocks potential in the workplace through innovative leadership & performance measures, creating a culture of excellence.