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The Daily Review [Video & Template]

Do you want to get more done and make a BIG and BOLD impact? Do you end up distracted or worn down by the interruptions at work?

This Journal is a tool successful people use to focus. Its simplicity can obscure its significance.  I can promise you that if you follow the straightforward instructions, you will astound yourself and your team. You will accomplish more than you ever thought possible.

Simplicity is genius. What worked? What didn’t? What’s next?

The Daily Review is the discipline of asking 3 questions at the end of the day and writing out the answers every day. At the end of your day, ask yourself the questions in 5 to 15 minutes (no more, no less). You MUST write out the answers.

This review is short because you do not OVERTHINK your answers. This is a review process, not a test. This process helps you quickly review your day and learn from whatever happened. It also enables you to set your focus for the following day.

This review will protect you from getting derailed by despair or from being too optimistic. It helps you stay balanced in your thinking and forces you to take action.

This Journal will take you through an entire year. Using it daily will hold invaluable insights and information at the end of the year. Keep it handy and follow through.


Does it help if I spend an hour a week?

While spending time reviewing your progress is helpful, the power of this tool is in the daily review. This provides insight into those daily activities that sabotage or propel you forward. 

I do not have time to do this every day.

Then there is a severe problem. Part of leadership is learning to structure time, set boundaries, and PLAN. The world of distraction we live in creates a sense of urgency. Evaluate your situation, are you truly pressed for time or are you frequently distracted and never seem to get anything done?

5 to 15 minutes doesn’t seem like enough time to evaluate my day.

This process is designed for a quick overview. You are training yourself to look at wins and failures and then focus on what is next. It is helpful to learn to do a quick overview.

Should I let other people read this?

No. Do not share the actual journal with your boss, spouse, or friends. If you want to share your insights and what you learned, please do. You should share this because, over time, you will look like a genius. You will be in a continual learning mode, whereas most everyone else is still doing the same thing, expecting it to turn out differently.