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Congratulations on taking this Quiz!

Your biggest obstacle is

Managing Time

Time cannot be replaced!

After you took the quiz, we provided tips you can implement RIGHT now… BUT… you probably already know what to do. The problem is in being consistent and putting those tips into action.

We want to talk about the Quick Wins. Here is a recap…

woman reading a book with a peach cover at her desk

When your biggest obstacle is Managing Time

1. Eliminate immediate distractions. Re ruthless with your attention! Social media alerts, petting your dog, the 7 million things on your to-do list…there’s always something more interesting trying to steal your attention. Don’t let it! Put your phone on “do not disturb” and move your workspace to a different room. Don’t let anything get in your way!

2. Spend 20 minutes uninterrupted and READ. This will train your brain to focus and build that focus muscle. unplug and read something for 20 minutes – uninterrupted.

3. Gradually increase your attention span. Time yourself to see how long you can work productively before a distraction pulls you away. Then, whenever you sit down to work, set a timer for that length of time and work until it rings. Take a break once the timer goes off.

Keep an “Interruption Log” and track those distractions. You will begin to see a pattern. This gives you the opportunity to make positive changes to your workflow.


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