This month is all about revving up your efforts to stay focused and on track.
Theme: Fresh Start
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Monthly Tips
Theme: Arise and Shine
December is the last month of the year and the first month of winter. It is when the days are the darkest as the sun takes its journey in the universe. This is also the month for Divine celebration as people celebrate the birth of Christ, the Light of the World.
The messages this month are about letting your light shine, to show up at your best, even when you might not feel like it or when you are not appreciated and things are not going your way. Shine on because you may be the only light someone else sees in their life.
Monthly Tips
Theme: Blessed
November is the month when the holiday spirit starts to come alive. It is also the month of thanksgiving, both a holiday and a mindset. This month we have tips on gratitude and blessing.
Monthly Tips
Theme: Orderly
October is the 10th month of the year. Biblically, 10 is the number of order, it represents God’s perfect government. This is a great time to bring order to your daily routine, your strategic objectives and your goals for the upcoming season.
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