This is the month when school starts and summer ends. This is the month of transition. As the weather changes and the days grow shorter, people start to shift gears getting ready for what fall brings.
Theme: Shift Gears
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Monthly Tips
Theme: Accountable
This month is the final month of summer and families wrap up vacations with their children. At work it is time to think about the final push for the year as you prepare for the fourth quarter. We offer you tips on being accountable and building ownership for your team.
Monthly Tips
Theme: Jellyfish
It is summertime and very often the jellyfish start to invade the beaches. Jellyfish is also a metaphor for distraction or losing focus. The “Jellyfish” is one of our cards used in the Meeting Makeover card deck to indicate the meeting has gone off target.
This month is about distraction and wandering off target. We give you tips to equip you to stay on track and accomplish your goals.
Monthly Tips
Theme: Get it Done
This month is about checking things off your list and finishing up those projects that have lingered. This is also the month when vacations start, kids are out of school and summer fun begins. What a better way to start vacations than with a clean desk and your list of projects completed!