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2 Steps to Powerful Mornings

2 Steps to Powerful Mornings

How you start your day sets the tone for your entire day. You really cannot make up for getting off to a sluggish or rushed…

Challenge: Handling Negative Feedback

Challenge: Handling Negative Feedback

Challenge The manager (who we will call Jesse) was new and very eager to do a good job. She made the effort and everyone could…

5 Steps to Giving Effective Feedback

5 Steps to Giving Effective Feedback

Do you cringe when your boss says it is time for your Performance Review? Unfortunately most managers wait all year to provide feedback, saving comments…

Are You Comfortable Being Independent as a Leader?

Are You Comfortable Being Independent as a Leader?

Most people do not need enemies because they end up being their own worst critic! Focusing on the negative and what can go wrong will…

Challenge: Coaching Staff as a Manager

Challenge: Coaching Staff as a Manager

Challenge: The department head for the section of the company Jon (not his real name) works in, just declared that all managers have to start…

Transform Your Todo's into a Power List of Priorities

[Video] Transform Your Todo’s into a Power List of Priorities

Do you have priorities? We all have some type of to-do list. I worked with one manager not too long ago, and she had 20…

Is Your Coworker Passive Aggressive? (and how to respond)

Is Your Coworker Passive Aggressive? (and how to respond)

It’s highly unlikely that everyone likes all of their co-workers, right? There’s always going to be someone who seems to clash with others, no matter…

Challenge: Dealing with Negativity in a Key Staff Member

Challenge: Dealing with Negativity in a Key Staff Member

Challenge One of the key staff members in this department was negative and critical. This manager, we will call Marci, decided she needed to change…

EP 38: Normal is Not a Destination. Think Differently About How You Manage

EP 38: Normal is Not a Destination. Think Differently About How You Manage

The digital age comes with constant change and therefore, you need to be adaptable as a leader so that your team’s sense of normal is…

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